Sunday 7 June 2009

Introduction and Welcome

Hello there,

Welcome to this blog forum.

'Covenant Jobseekers' has been inspired by the love and support of special friends who attend the same church (New Wine, London) and serve in the same ministry team.

Just like many (if not all) of you reading this page, we too have been impacted by the current economic downturn and decided to do something positive about our (temporary) situation. We understand that in times like these, you may have lost hope, you see bills and final demands but no answers or solutions. You may have contacted your local government services for assistance only to find that you're not entitled to anything, or what you are entitled to is barely a drop in the ocean...If this sounds familiar, we'd like to encourage you - DON'T give up hope.

Take hold of the Lord's strength. It's the enemy's plan to unsettle you, to unnerve you, to cause you to doubt and to fear - he will come at you from all sides and try to shake you to your very core - why do you think Jesus said that 'the enemy has come to steal, kill and destroy?' But praise God, we have Jesus who came so that we may not only have life, but have it more abundantly. Now we know it may not feel like you are living an abundant life right now, but now is not the time to lose hope or for your faith to waiver. Remember, we walk by faith and not by sight. Hold fast your position and ensure your anchor is firm and secure in the only solid rock - our saviour Jesus Christ.

The information contained within these pages is put here to provide both practical and spiritual support to anyone who is currently seeking gainful employment; therefore, feel free to comment and post anything that you think will support, assist and edify your fellow readers; consider it your seed.

Yours in Christ
Covenant Jobseekers

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may
have peace. In this world you will have trouble.
But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33 (NIV)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ladies,

    This is a terrific initiative! Well done!!

    I salute you guys for your efforts, time, compassion and ultimate desire to see fellow believers reaffirm our rightful place as covenant children especially in this season. As you both have purposed to open doors for others through your relative skills, I pray the heavens shall continually raise navigators and helpers of destiny on your behalf in Jesus name.

    Its good not to just talk the talk but walk the walk... and as Obama puts it "we have a stake in one another... if enough people believe in the truth of that proposition and act on it, though we may not solve every problem, but we can get something meanighful done.

    Great job!

